Spiritualism is many things to many people, but, for most, it is an ‘open’ and welcoming belief system or religion. It is effectively a clean slate that has allowed many people to make their mark in a positive way. Like most religions, Spiritualism does have core tenants and it is theistic but it does not have a fixed canon or scripture, profits in the traditional sense or a central person around which to orbit other than God.
At its core, Spiritualism represents those that believe in the continuation of life beyond corporal death, Spirit. And that spirit can be communicated with and thereby sought confirmation from, something most major religions discourage or consider verboten.
Spiritualism as an organised religion is nearing 200 years old. It embraces a broad philosophy. It promotes goodness and decency. The brotherhood of man. The ever presence of Divine Energy or God. The immortal soul is part of God. That God has a divine plan for all and Loves all and condemns none. That we retain all experiences and consciousness along the immortal path that God has devined for us.
Furthermore, Spiritualists fundamentally believe in Responsibility and Accountability. That we are owed nothing but owe everything. And that we create our own heaven or hell with our own hands, hearts and minds. That the divine, God, is present within all of us.
Spiritualism teaches inner peace and presence and Acceptance. To manifest God’s Love and will at all times and to convey the message of eternal life so that all may recognise and celebrate the gifts they have been given.
Spiritualism and spiritualists live in service to Spirit, God, Humanity and the world that is in our care.
Spiritualism is not superstition that is born out of fear that blinds us to the truth. Spiritualism is a guide to the truth and the true nature of Man. It does not seek to oppress, control or hinder the development of the individual. Instead, it seeks to uplift into the light of God.
Spiritualist Philosophy
There is no one over-arching or unifying Spiritualist philosophy or Cannon that all Spiritualists follow. However, there is a great degree of commonality or common ground between the various groups of Spiritualists.
Spiritualist Organisations
- The Spiritualists’ National Union, (SNU),
- Spiritualist Association of Great Britain, (SAGB),
- The College of Psychic Studies
- National Spiritualist Association of Churches, (NSAC),
- The National Spiritual Alliance (TNSA),
- The United Spiritualist Church Association (USCA),