Suzanne's Services
Suzanne’s services can be divided into three groups. The first group are the services for students who wish to improve their Mediumship Development and Spiritual Development. The second are personal services pertaining to the individual themselves. And the the third are the services of Minister Suzanne…
Mediumship & Spiritual Development Services
Course and workshop Tutor
In the UK, the majority of Suzanne’s are provided via The Arthur Findlay College both in-person and online virtually. She provides a wide range of courses either by herself or in collaboration with college course organisers.
There are many spiritualist groups internationally that offer courses and workshops for their members. Suzanne enjoys travelling to meet spiritualists in their home countries to assist them with their Mediumship and Spiritual Development. In her travels, Suzanne has had the great privilege of serving the international community of spiritualists.
The advent of Online Virtual courses has made a huge impact on the quality of Courses, Workshops and Training available to international and distant national Spiritualists and Mediums!
While attending a course at The Arthur Findlay College is a wonderful experience, and not to be underestimated in its impact, not all have the time, resources or ability to dedicate to such an endeavour.
The administrators of the SNU and The Arthur Findlay College, to their credit, in an attempt to widen the opportunities for high-quality training, concluded that offering many of their long and short format courses online would increase inclusivity and engagement with Spiritualism. And it has been a great success. International students from as far away as North America, South America, Australia, and Japan to mention but a few and a little closer to home, in Europe and distant UK are now able to access that which was previously reserved for students in attendance at the college. The Arthur Findlay College is proud to be more inclusive than ever before. Older students, students who have difficulty travelling, those with significant work or family commitments, and those with limited resources, now all have equal opportunity to access courses with ease and more often and in the comfort of their own homes.
When it comes to technology, Suzanne is somewhat of a Luddite, however, she has embraced the online community of students with gusto and takes great pleasure in her Zoom courses. She is always interested in her student’s development but also in where her students are and how Spiritualism is accepted.
Suzanne is an integrated holistic mentor. That is to say that her developmental process is tailored to the individual taking into account all aspects of their lives, beliefs, experiences and ability. Students are often surprised at how the spirit world will utilise different aspects of an individual’s skills, experience and ability.
Furthermore, when developing one’s mediumship and spirituality, it is important to recognise that clarity is needed and distractions need to be overcome. Interpersonal difficulties and psychological and health issues need to be overcome as best one can so that one’s mediumship is clear and unhindered.
Fundamentally, Assessments are a form of sitting in which support and guidance are sought from spirit and guides to help mediums in their development. As part of your ongoing Mediumship and Spiritual development, an assessment will help you with direction and focus for your mediumship and spiritual development.
Of all the different types of spirit communication, Assessments are one of Suzanne’s favourites. She loves to tell stories about how surprised a sitter is when something they were considering in the back of their minds or a direction they were lightly practising, is just unquestioningly affirmed.
Spiritualist Psychotherapy
Spiritualists and Mediums are humans too and suffer the same issues as all of us. Loss, Grief, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, and Relationship Issues, to name but a few. Psychological and Relational issues will get in your way and diminish your ability to serve as a Medium and damage or even stymie your development. Suzanne is in the uncommon position of being both a highly-skilled, qualified and experienced psychotherapist and a Spiritualist, Medium and Minister. She is able to work with Spiritualists and appropriately frame her assistance not only with regard to the individual’s life experience but also accurately within the framework of a Spiritualist understanding of existence. Spiritualists need not fear their beliefs being belittled or undermined during therapy. Instead, your spiritual beliefs will be clarified and utilised to underpin and improve your life and relationships.
Individual Services
Assessments are both Student services and Individual services depending on what the individual is exploring. If the subject is already a student then obviously it is an assessment of their developmental direction and current work. However, many spiritualists are unsure of their potential, how to be of service to Spirit, God and the wider community or the direction to take their development. An assessment will offer clarity.
Spiritualist Psychotherapy
Psychological and relational help is most effective when provided within the framework of the individual’s belief system. As a practising Spiritualist, Medium and Minister, Suzanne can easily understand the beliefs and framing of other spiritualists and will not judge or reject their beliefs in favour of something more secular or ‘logical’. Spiritualism and Spirit Connection are a boon to health and wellness and can be utilised within Psychotherapy to both underpin and enhance outcomes.
Ministry Services
As a minister of the SNU Suzanne is able to act as
Minister Suzanne is an experienced funeral celebrant who has helped many families celebrate the lives of loved ones who passed on. She will help you create a personal and dignified celebration of the life of the departed and help those in attendance understand that although material life is fleeting, spirit life is eternal.