Mediumship Mentoring and Training
Fundamentally, Mediumship is a wonderful gift that offers a medium the opportunity to offer solace in times of grief and the confirmation of the continuation of spirit beyond corporal death. While there may be some debate over the nature of mediumship, be it something one is born with or something one acquires, one thing is certain. It is a gift that can be improved or opened up through developmental practices.
An untrained medium or an ill-trained medium will have difficulty in separating their own thoughts and mind’s tendency to ‘fill in the blanks’ from their spirit link’s ‘message’. Rather than seek a deeper link or clarity from spirit, the inexperienced pass on ‘messages’ believing they are entirely from their spirit link. It is, after all, a natural part of cognitive and communicative process to seek to complete thoughts and ideas provided during a link in much the same way as people complete thoughts and ideas during a conversation with the living. Projecting and utilising their own understandings, experiences, prejudices, and beliefs to frame and understand what they are hearing. Misunderstanding the speaker much to their chagrin. Imagine how the spirit communicator must feel given the effort they make to come through and communicate.
Mediumship Mentoring and Training can help you improve your mediumship and overcome the pitfalls.