Suzanne Gibson-Foy:

Fully Integrated Holistic Mediumship and Spiritual Development

Aspects of Spirit, 6th April 2024, (Course 14b 2024)

The Arthur Findlay College

"Are you unsure about which aspect of your mediumship and awareness you should focus on at the moment? Have you been interested in a new or different aspect of mediumship or working with your sensitivity, but don’t want to, or can’t, commit to a weeklong course on just one aspect? Would you like to focus […]

Swiss Week 1, 11th May 2024, (Course 19)

The Arthur Findlay College

Begleiten Sie uns an die Swiss Week 1, 2024 in dem wunderschönen Arthur Findlay College in der Stansted Hall in England, wo Sie von einem Team der besten Dozenten, die Großbritannien zu bieten hat, unterrichtet werden. Die Auslegung dieses Kurses hat das Ziel, Ihnen eine große Bandbreite von vielen verschiedenen Aspekten der Medialität aufzuzeigen – […]


French Week 1, 18th May 2024, (Course 20 2024)

The Arthur Findlay College

"L’Arthur Findlay Collège, situé dans le magnifique Stansted Hall entouré d’un parc idyllique, offre la bienvenue aux étudiants en médiumnité francophones. Les cours s’adressent à tous les niveaux : débutants, intermédiaires et avancés. Une vaste palette de sujets seront traités, tels que la médiumnité mentale, la conscience, la transe et les états de conscience modifiés, […]

Trusting Your Mediumship, 8th June 2024, (Course 23a)

The Arthur Findlay College

How do I know whether the communication comes from Spirit or from my own mind? Will I ever stop being so nervous before giving a communication or speaking from the platform? I do trust Spirit, but how can I gain trust in myself? How can I stop my heart from sinking when I get a […]


The Sensitive Medium, 29th June 2024, (Course 26a)

The Arthur Findlay College

During this course, we will be helping you understand how your sensitivity functions within Mental Mediumship. Many questions will be answered and more will be asked! That is the nature of someone who is unfolding their spiritual awareness with integrity. How does your imagination play its part or as the spirit refer to as “The […]


Love is the Key – Online Course 19th December 2024 (Course 51Y 2024)

The Arthur Findlay College ONLINE

Arthur Findlay College Online Course Love is the Key Online Course 19th December 2024 (Course 51Y 2024) Booking Courses - Contact Information This course is organised by the Arthur Findlay College.Fee: £60 per personQuote Course ID: Course 51Y 2024Tel: +441279813636Email: Bookings@arthurfindlaycollege.orgWebsite:


Advanced Mediumship Online Course – Cours de Mediumnite Niveau Avance

Cours en ligne de médiumnité avancée. Un cours de six semaines le Lundi de 17h30 à 21h30. Dates : 14 Janvier, 28 Janvier, 11 Février, 25 Février, 11 Mars et 25 Mars 2025.

Online Advanced Mediumship course. Six week course on Mondays from 17:30 till 21:30. Dates: 14 January, 28 January, 11 February, 25 February, 11 March and 25 March 2025.

Prix Total des course avec traduction simultanee: 1x£170 course via Paypal, ET 1x€80 traductions via IBAN.

Two Day Course in Brussels 1st – 2nd February 2025

Maison Notre-Dame du Chant-d'Oiseau Avenue des Franciscains 3 A, 1150 Bruxelles Belgique, Belgium

Mettez la Puissance dans votre médiumnité.
Ce week-end, nous explorerons le développement de la médiumnité evidentielle en ajoutant de la profondeur et du sens à votre travail ainsi qu'en améliorant votre connexion spirituelle intérieure. La Puissance commence avec vous.
